Friday, August 10, 2012

Little Rascals

Nature is captivating. It holds great beauty and wonder. Sometimes it can even make you laugh. Yesterday I was biking in a nearby neighborhood when I spotted a squirrel. He was making a mad dash down the driveway of the house he had just come from, and running kind of funny. As I got closer, I realized why. He was carrying an enormous (for a squirrel) tomato in it's jaws. I quickly put two and two together, and wanted to yell out "squirrel robbery!" to the unfortunate family whose garden had just been burgled by this sneaky squirrel. The tomato must have been four times the size of the squirrel's head. If I had been stealthy enough to snap a photo I would have, but this squirrel climbed right up the tree with the tomato clenched between its teeth.

That same day, I learned something new about chipmunks. They like pizza. I was sitting on the back patio with my mom, when I saw two chipmunks darting around the walkway near my feet. One was just a baby, and ran behind my feet, stopping for a few moments behind my left heel. Young but brave. I was so shocked by this young chipmunk's bravery, I wondered if it would dare eating right out of my hand. I grabbed a piece of pizza crust from  my mom's plate, and tossed small chunks around my feet to entice the chipmunks to come closer. Their patience outlasted my own. Once I'd gone back to chatting with my mom, however, I glimpsed the older one sneak  a few of the pizza bits that were furthest from where we were sitting.
Pizza snack. Am I too close?

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