Friday, December 21, 2012

Papa's Books

For as long as I can remember, my papa has been an avid reader. When he's not watching TV or telling stories, he has a book happily resting in his hands. The other day my grandma and I were paying him a visit, and he was reminiscing about how he came across some of the treasures displayed in his house. Every painting and piece of furniture seems to have a unique story behind its acquisition. Then I asked him about the book collection resting behind his cozy leather couch.

"Oh those? I've probably read all of those in the last two or three years."

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped. The piles of books resting on the window ledge nearly stretch from one end of the room to the other. Taking a closer look at the titles, it is evident that David Badlacci and James Patterson, top mystery and thriller novelists, are among his favorites. Besides these two authors, my papa  also loves to read books about horses. Seabiscuit and Secretariat are two of his personal favorites. If he could find a good thriller novel detailing the mysterious life of a famous racehorse, my papa would probably reach the pinnacle of his leisure reading career. Maybe I'll try to find such a book to give him for Christmas. Wish me luck.

Not only an impressive collection, but also a fire hazard

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